The full potential of clinical research to change lives can only be unlocked when we all work together, embrace each other’s perspectives, and are invested in shared goals. This is when true and meaningful progress is made. This is when new breakthroughs occur. This is when we literally change the world. On this Clinical Trials Day, let’s gather in this spirit of togetherness to celebrate all we’ve accomplished and recommit ourselves to push even further. Because together we can.

Together We Can…

Clinical trials and the study teams behind them have a superpower: They improve patients’ lives. Your work deserves to be celebrated. So, raise your voices to promote the power of our profession.

The standards of clinical research can never be high enough. There’s always more we can do to deliver new therapies more expeditiously and to protect patients more fiercely. Commit to being the best of the best.

Different backgrounds. Different perspectives. Different identities. All of these are needed to improve representation in clinical trials. Stand for diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in clinical research.

Clinical trials demand a diverse, research-ready workforce of individuals who are passionate about making a difference. Share your story to inspire the next generation of clinical research professionals.


About Clinical Trials Day

Clinical Trials Day is when the spotlight shines brightest on the clinical research community. Discover what Clinical Trials Day means to these dedicated professionals and learn why we celebrate each year on May 20.

Learn More >


Clinical Trials Day Supporters

ACRP recognizes the following organizations for their generous support of Clinical Trials Day.

Official Sponsor

Premium Sponsor

Supporting Partner